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Castle Acre Primary School

The Friends of Castle Acre C of E Primary Academy

The Friends are made up of a small team of Parents/Carers, all very busy, who some how find a little bit of extra time to come together when required, to raise as much money as possible for the children. 

Whether it's selling raffle tickets, promoting an event, baking cakes, serving coffee, coming up with fundraising ideas, the Friends' only mission is make sure money is raised and helps the children  go on much-needed school trips, receive essential additional learning resources and help support the teachers whenever they can.

The most successful fundraising event is the annual Castle Acre 'Duck Race', which raises well over £1,000 each year. The Christmas Fayre and other lovely events all help to contribute to the pot, which now more than ever is incredibly stretched. 

The Friends would love to hear from any Parents/Carers who are interested in joining as we are currently a very small group of volunteers. Please just speak Mrs Spaul or Mrs Neary at the gate or message
07825 229345, Libby Firth (Chair), thank you.