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Castle Acre Primary School

Your Governors


Local schools have a special place in the communities they serve and The Nar Valley Federation of Church Academies is no exception. We have a dedicated team of teachers, ancillary staff and governors who, together with you, are anxious to see the highest standards of education made available for the growth of our children.

What is a Governing Body?

Each of the academies within the Nar Valley Federation of Church Academies is a member of the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT) and as such is governed by the DNEAT Board of Trustees. The Trust delegates responsibilities to the Local Governing Body (LGB) of each Academy or Federation via a document called a Scheme of Delegation. The LGB is made up of 7 Trust Appointed Governors, 3 elected Parent Governors (one from each of the Nar Valley Federation Academies) and 1 elected Staff Governor. The LGB Governors are volunteers who are drawn from different parts of the communities and who are passionate about the education of the children at our academies and bring diversity of knowledge and experience to the strategic management of the academies.


The three core functions for governance in academies are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Executive Leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff:
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure its money is well spent.

If you have a question about the Governing Body please don’t hesitate to contact us via your academy office.

Governor vacancies

There are currently four vacancies on the Local Governing Body of The Nar Valley Federation of Church Academies, for three Trust Appointed Governors and one Parent Governor for Narborough.  

How to contact us

We are always interested in hearing your views on your academy, and if you have any questions you would like to ask us please do get in touch with our Interim Chair Bruce Gordon via Castle Acre Cof E Primary Academy office, Tel: 01760 755305, Email:  (Miss Howman, Academy Secretary & Clerk to Governors).

A copy of the Scheme of Delegation between the Dioceses of Norwich Multi-Academy Trust and the Local Governing Body of the Nar Valley Federation of Church Academies can be requested from the academy offices or downloaded from the Scheme of Delegation page of this website. 

Our Governing Body currently has the following sub-committee:

Ethos & Community - covering RE, Christian Distinctiveness, Collective Worship, Engagement with Staff, Pupils, Parents and Community.

The full LGB meets twice each term with one meeting incorporating Standards and the other incorporating Resources. There are also termly meetings for the Ethos and Community sub-committee.

Governors for The Nar Valley Federation of Church Academies

Name Governor Type Role(s) & Committee(s)
Bruce Gordon GIAS - Trust Appointed Interim Chair of Governors, Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, Staff Induction, Resources, Standards & Ethos Committees


Louisa Sliwa Trust Appointed Safeguarding, Headteacher Performance Management, Curriculum Champion, Maths, English, RSHE, Subject Lead Link for RSHE, Ethos & Community Committee
Brigid Vogel Trust Appointed SEND, English as an Additional Language (EAL), Equality & Diversity, Headteacher Performance Management, Subject Lead Link for Music, English and Ancient & Modern Foreign Languages (AMFL),  Chair of Ethos & Community Committee
Breen Murphy Trust Appointed  
Mark Brenner  Trust Appointed


Alan Brumby Parent (Sporle) Vice-Chair, Health & Safety
Liz Brewer Parent   (Castle Acre) Website Compliance
Jessica Behan Staff  
Anne Neary Executive Headteacher  
Karen Howman Clerk  

No Governor is related to staff members or married to staff members unless identified above.