Good morning and welcome back for another week.
Today's spellings are :
Gryffindor/Ravenclaw: centre century certain circle energy
Slytherin/ Hufflepuff: giant giraffe city fancy join
Please write each one in a sentence. Think about your handwriting and try to make your sentences as interesting as possible.
English Task for all
Your task today is to write a book review or in other words your own thoughts about something you have read recently. It may be a book (fiction or non-fiction), a magazine or a comic that you have enjoyed or may not have enjoyed!
Remember to use neat, joined handwriting, paragraphs as well as check your spelling and punctuation. You may include pictures as well to illustrate your favourite part or character.
Look at the Ppt below and the prompts to help you.
Today we are going to be solving multiplication word problems. To refresh your memory Year 3 click on the web link below and go to lesson 2 ; also there a ppt attached below for you to look at.
Week beg.11th May not 18th May Lesson 2
Year 2 there is also a ppt below as well as a web link to remind you of the different ways we can solve multiplication word problems: drawings and pictures; arrays; a number line or mental recall.
Then have a go at the different Challenges. There is a 1, 2 or 3 star Challenge for Year 2 and Year 3 have a one-step challenge and a 2 step challenge. If you find it too easy have a go at the harder challenge.
Multiplication Games
To finish there are a couple of different games that will test your recall of times tables.
Remember year 2 need to know 2 x 5 x and 10x but if you are really quick at recalling these have ago at 3x and 4x.
Year 3 of course you need to focus on 3 x 4 x 8 x and 6 x. If you are proficient at these try mixed tables. Year 2 Year 2 and 3 Year 2 and 3
Activity 1: . Create your own game which uses a magnet. For ideas please see the word document attached below.
Activity 2
Cambridge Science Centre is offering free on line shows. These are available for one week. I have registered the class to access ‘Stronger by Design’. A summary of the show is below.
Stronger by Design -
What dangers do firefighters face, what makes a bullet proof vest so strong, and does any of this relate to custard? This show looks at the engineering behind some of the most amazing materials that keep us safe when we’re in danger. We look at the fabrics that protect firefighters from flames and water, how a woven material can stop a bullet, how many materials astronauts need to stay safe on a spacewalk, and, seriously, why is custard important? Introducing concepts including staying safe, forces, and materials.
The website link and the password has been sent to you via the class dojo. This show is available for you to access from 8 o'clock Monday 18th May to Sunday 24th May ,when access will close at 11.59pm!!
Once you've watched, there are open-ended questions linked to the show to get everyone involved in a discussion - and maybe some family discussions too. There is a challenge to spark some experimental thinking. Designed to be done at home with whatever is available, the challenge will get you to consider fair testing, experimental design, and data collection. Everyone's resources will be different, so everyone's methods will be too! Can we all still come to a common conclusion?