Please find the spellings attached. Please practise daily and use each one on a sentence to demonstrate your understanding.
Oral/Mental Starter
Focus : 2D /3D
3D shape recognition : look around the house or think of real life objects that you have seen that are examples of 3D shapes . For example : dice – cube. List as many as you can think of or find for each 3D shape. Look at the shape mat to help you.
Year 2
Today Year 2 we will be focusing upon dividing by 2 or halving objects or numbers. Remember that division is the inverse of multiplication so recalling our 2x table will help us when dividing by 2.Last week we finished by using a number line to solve division problems by counting on and then counting the number of equal groups we had. We can count forwards and backward on a number line but we tend to focus on counting forwards as this is the method most of you find easier.
Watch the video then complete the Year 2 Challenge for all. If you wish you can complete one of the 1,2,or 3 Star Challenges.
Year 3
This week Year 3 we are still focusing on division but this time with numbers that can’t be shared or grouped equally, in other words they may be numbers left over. We call this division with remainders. Watch the video on class dojo and then try one of the Challenges.
Warm-up: Please see Grammar, Punctuation and Spellings sheet below which outlines some activities you can do each day this week along with some follow up activities. Today and tomorrow we will be looking at homophones.
This week in English we are looking at writing a descriptive piece of writing.
L.O: I can use a comma between adjectives.
L.O: I understand what an expanded noun phrase is.
First look at the powerpoint which explains what an expanded noun phrase is. There is a Y2 and a Y3 one.
Then watch this video
Then watch this video
Then complete task 1 in the attachments. Write some descriptive phrases for each picture of Dave and his cave. Remember to use an adjective between 2 commas.
Then complete task 2. Think about starting with a noun and gradually adding more layers of detail
Today we shall be learning:
You will only need a piece of paper and a pencil.
Click on the link and watch the video with Mt Hutchinson.
How did the Shang Dynasty Begin?
Can you write a couple of sentences about Emperor Tang?
Can you order the events of the Shang Dynasty correctly?
Can you write Emperor Tang’s name correctly using Chinese characters?
In school today we will be continuing with improving our hockey skills. At home you could join in with Joe Wicks ,cosmic yoga or complete your Personal Challenges from last week; Round the World, Tap up Tennis and Catch and Clap. We already have number of children who have sent in their results and posted pictures and video of themselves completing the challenges. Many have achieved bronze, silver and gold scores, so well done to them. Your results need to be posted on dojo by Wednesday so they can be sent off sand certificates can be awarded to the you.