Good morning.
Please could you complete your daily spelling practice and remember to use each word in a sentence.
Mental oral starter
Today we will be practising our tables.
Click on the link and then click on the multiplication truck. Choose one or two tables you are unsure of and practise them.
In Maths all this week our focus is addition. On class dojo there a few videos for you to watch to refresh your memory ,explaining the range of different methods that you can use to solve addition problems. Once you have watched a few of the videos choose a challenge and a method to solve the addition calculations. Remember to try and challenge yourself.
Today in class we will be completing Science lesson 4.
Lesson 4 - Which materials are absorbent?
Resources: cloth or sponge, plastic bag or plastic cup, foil, cardboard or paper, cotton wool.
Remember please could you try to complete your science work by Friday.
This term's music unit is 'I want to pay in a band' so perhaps log on this afternoon and listen to/learn the new songs and play the music games.Have fun!
Conjunctions - please start by watching the powerpoint explaining what a conjunction is. Complete the task on the last page. If you finish this, challenge yourself by researching other subordinating conjunctions and have a go at writing sentences which use these words.
Later this week we will be writing a non fiction page about polar bears. In preparation for this we need to find out a little about these cool animals.
Watch the two video clips below and make as many notes as you can about these beautiful animals. Write at least 8 sentences down about what you can find out.
Don't worry if you don't have time for all of this today as you can continue this activity tomorrow.
Reading - today's challenge is to look up any words that you are unsure of and write the words and their meanings. Where could you find the meanings?