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Castle Acre Primary School

Tuesday 23rd February


Practice your spellings and remember to write each spelling in a sentence to show your understanding.


Mental /Oral starter

Focus : Division

Remember division is the inverse or opposite of multiplication. Therefore if  you can recall multiplication facts quickly you should be able to recall division facts.

Year 2 :recalling division facts  for 2s,5s 10s and then progress to 3s

Year 3 :recalling divisions facts  for 3s 4s and 8s

Year 2

Today we are focusing on making  2d and 3d shapes

Watch the video and complete the challenges as you go along.

If you have paper,recyclable materials ,  pencils, straws ,blu tac or plasticine at home try making your own 3 D shapes. Or you could go on a shape hunt around your house to find 3D shapes. Or even try creating  3D shapes from any boxes you have at home like the boy in the video .Don't  forget to post your work on class dojo. .

Year 3

Following our work on horizontal and vertical lines ,today we are going to look at perpendicular and parallel lines.

Click on the link below and scroll down to the video about parallel and perpendicular lines.

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil

Next  work through the ppt completing the activities as you go.

To finish complete the activity below.

Parallel names

Write your name in capital letters, like in the example below.

  • How many pairs of parallel lines can you find?
  • How many pairs of perpendicular lines?

  • Which capital letter has the most parallel lines in it?

  • Which capital letter has the most perpendicular lines in it?

Thomas in capitals


Please start by looking at the powerpoint called Letter Writing.  The first task is in the powerpoint!

Challenge 1 

Find the following words in a dictionary or ask an adult and write down the definition of what they mean in your writing book.

skill            request             response        demonstrate      aspire 

Challenge 2

Write one sentence that includes each word, remember your punctuation!

Challenge 3

Read the example letter to a policeman.  Then download the questions and have a go at answering them in your book. 

If you would like to listen to the letter being read by Miss Behan, please click on the following link.


Today we shall be continuing our work on the effects of exercise on our bodies and why it is good to exercise. By the end of the session will shall have answered the questions:

  • What happens  to our bodies when we exercise?
  • What is a resting pulse/heart rate?
  • What happens to our pulse rate during and after exercise?
  • Why is it good for us to exercise?

Watch the ppt below to find out how to take your resting pulse rate. Then complete the sheet ' To investigate the effects of exercise on our heart rate' which attached below. Before you start don't forget to predict what will happen to your heart rate.