Spellings for all
Topic words
magnet magnetic magnetism north south attract repel force
Use the words in a sentence . You can use more than one of the words in each sentence as long as the sentence makes sense.
English for all
CPG Year 3 Targeted Comprehension Book
Read ‘The Demon Headmaster’ and complete the answers in full sentences.
CPG Year 3 Stretch Targeted Comprehension Book
Read ‘Odysseus and Circe’ and complete the answers in full sentences.
Extension- Draw an imaginary plant that can do something special like in the story. Label the special features it has.
CPG Year 2 Targeted Comprehension Book
Read ‘The Tear Thief’ and the ‘United Kingdom’ , complete the answers in full sentences.
The Witches Reading Group
Read ‘The Demon Headmaster ‘attached below and answer the questions in full sentence answers.
Mental maths
Using the website below focusing on fractions
Focus fractions: Year 2 Level 2 Year 3 level 3
Today we are working on both multiplication and division problems. Think about the methods you have used to solve multiplication and division over the past couple of days and have a go at tackling one of the challenges attached below. There is also a ppt for year 3 and one for year 2 to work through first, either independently or with an adult.
Year 2: Complete one or two of the 1, 2 or 3 star challenges below.
Year 3: Complete one or two of the 1,2 or 3 star challenges below
Perhaps have a go at one of the 4 operations using this game.
The next Virtual Challenge is Trigolf. To access , click below on the web link. ( no golf clubs needed!!)
England Netball has launched a new series of 'Bee@Home' challenge videos for under-11s. These fun activities can be tried at home and will help improve your netball skills as well as bring a smile to your face!
You can find the activities here:
Or have a go at some dance moves.